- 4 - No authority to a warrantless entry into a dwelling house to effectuate an involuntary commitment without a "pink slip" and cannot suprsede the federal constitutional protection of the Fourth Amendment. " Warrantless searches of a dwelling are unreasonable. The Fourth Amendment goal is the protection of personal privacy and the fundamental dignity of citizens. The method of choice for protecting that goal is the warrant method mechanism which requires a neutral magistrate to evaluate the facts and determine whether and when government officials may search. The specter of police officials breaking down the door of a private home has been, from the drafting of the Fourth Amendment to the present, a singularly frightening one. Traditionally, a citizen's home has been singled out for special protection." GERTNER, D. J. McCABE v. CITY OF LYNN, NO. 92-12179 (1st Cir.) There can be no doubt the Pitt's address in the House of Commons in March 1763 echoed and re-echoed throughout the colonies: ~The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail; its roof may shake; the wind may blow through it; the storm may enter; - all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!" MILLER v. UNITED STATES, 357 U. S. 301 AT 307.